ThetaSigma's Blog of Epic Stuffs

ThetaSigma's one and only blog of awesome.

The 12th Doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!(WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD)

OK, if there are any fellow Whovians out there who want to know who the 12th Doctor is, I suggest that you read this right now. If you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, I suggest that you start watching Doctor Who because it is the most epicly brilliant show in the history of the space-time continuum.

Now, for you fellow Whovians out there who haven't heard the big news, BBC made a video on BBC America where they introduced the actor to play the 12th Doctor(which IS'NT John Hurt, btw.)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For those of you who don't want to know who the person is, leave this entry now.

Okey dockey then, for those of you who stayed, the 12th Doctor is going to be played by a guy named Peter Capaldi, who played Caecilius in the earlier episode,"The Fires of Pompeii". He's an older Scottish man who's around 50 years old.

A lot of people are saying that he won't be a good Doctor, but I mean, hey, give him a chance, it's going to be at least another year until he's going to be in a legit episode, don't start hating on him just because he's old. I think it's going to be interesting to have an older man play the Doctor.

So, leave your opinions on Peter in the comments, and also comment on what sciencey stuff I can blog to you about in Weird Science, I'm out of ideas.

Also, if you want to watch the announcement, you can probably find it on YouTube on the BBC channel or the BBC America channel.

So thanks for reading, and may the force be with you.


Blogging Since May 31, 2013

I'm ThetaSigma, and if you read this, then you are officially awesome.